Sunday, January 24, 2010

new blog

i gots nothing to do so i am going to postz a blog,, so i havent posted in a while and i cant think of anything to do, so i haven't finished my stupid project that i still need to spraypaint, i amde a crross between a guitar and a percussion instrument it looks cool so far though i think ill get a low grade because i doesn't look like something a kid could do, i had a lot of help from my dad, im working on a new picture of link from zelda in ms paint probably gonna edit in gimp! my life is pretty boring so far i had nothing fun done this week, i did call meghan a few times but the line was busy so i just went on facebook for a bit, posted a new vid on youtube, chatted with a friend on skype, o yeah! i watched forrest gump and a ton of SNL Sketches and the older ones are actually slightly amusing MORE COWBELL!!! i watched endless episodes from the office, and i started playing guitar a lot and now the house of the rising sun is stuck in my head!!!!!! please help me get it out! i dont think anyone is going to read this but i dont care that much, i am getting a deviant art account really soon, my sister saw the lovely bones with my mom and now she is kinda fraked, it looks like a pretty good book im gonna read soon, maybe meghan might read this but i doubt anyone else hm... my mom and dad cant afford me to take me to the movies so im gonna try and save up or dig dome money in the couches or something, i bore myself writing this too so i think i should just stop blogging after this one so ill make it long! lots of exclamation points! eh.. who needs long posts i have nothing interesting in my life going on so i dont think you guys will care so tata

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


here has been the mood fot today
8:00 : tired
11:00 confused
1:00: happy yet still confused
4:00: depressed
8:00:oh crap im sorry


Irony explains the contrast between this opst and my last

I need a life

Hey guys and girls (i dont know i only have 1 follower i guess so hi meg)
lol so tommorow im probably gonna stay off the internet for some time because my friends from saco, maine are coming to town and crashing at our house for 2 nights,
the first guy is aidan who is in the youthe group i am in at the camp i go for 2 weeks every summer the second guy is connor who is his older brother, h's about my sister's age so im looking forward to that because i only get to see them i dont know twice a year? me and my dad discussed every vacation we should have them over for 2-3 nights. I noticed a drastic change in my life involving my mood, ive gone from depressed to really happyex. Im starting to get better grades in school, right around christmas got a bunch of neat stuff
had the chance to do what i wanted to do when i asked, i went to sherlock holmes with my friend meg which was an awesome movie i sa avatar and even more stuff happened that i would rather not discuss the only bad thing is that my fish is sick betta blue but thats not too big a deal oh yea in the past few days ive been going on facebook more often and have a few anime videos n there and also a few random boring videos that will waste peoples time got back on twitter starting to actually use kongregate, this is the only time ive ever really felt there was nothig i really needed to complain about in life well in my life that is

Monday, December 28, 2009

to everyone

hi I wrote a song and memorized it by heart so here is:
Almost Non-fiction
The story of my life,
filled with fiction tales i once heard we lived on earth
a peaceful place until i heard this story
have you ever heard the tale
where all of us learned just how to be free
or the world could once live in diversit
y and it would be ok to live in the minority
have you ever heard of that nice catchy song
where the people aloud you to sing right along
(who cared if it rained
have you ever been to that beautiful plac
e where there is no discrimination of race
and there werent really many hard troubles to face.
As is see this what some people wnat us to be
but they dont realize this isnt reality
and there is always a fee.
i feel this song is about what we strive to be but unfortunately we dont see that the reality of life and earth is that we live on a messed up world full of messed up people and i feel were all messed up, even i am most messed up to admit it


Today has been an awesome day!!!! thats all im gunna say yeyeyeyeyeyeyeyeye